
5 consigli per preparare la tua casa alle Feste

5 tips to prepare your home for the holidays

Christmas is around the corner : don't be caught unprepared and think ahead of decorations and decorations, to make your home more beautiful than ever! Every year the same story: panic to choose ...

Come domare la cancelleria ribelle sulla scrivania

How to tame unruly stationery on your desk

A flawless desk also keeps ideas at bay and makes us more productive. It's easy to keep the promise of a tidy desk in September, you may be saying to yourself, but what will it be like after months...

Organizzare living e cucina: tips e must have

Organizing the living room and kitchen: tips and must haves

The living room and kitchen are without a doubt the most used spaces in the house during the day. Therefore, their organization must be optimal, in order to take advantage of the spaces in total c...

Se il bagno è troppo piccolo, arredalo così 

If the bathroom is too small, decorate it like this

If there is a room that is often "sacrificed" in modern homes, that is the bathroom. But there are solutions to make it more spacious, from architectural choices to simple chromatic and furnishing...

Come arredare un piccolo balcone

How to decorate a small balcony

What has Covid-19 taught us with related lockdowns and red zones? Certainly at the "home" level, it has made us aware of how important, indeed almost vital, outdoor spaces are. The top is definite...

Stile Scandinavo: alla scoperta di uno stile di arredo sempre più di tendenza

Scandinavian style: discovering an increasingly trendy furnishing style

Scandinavian style Raise your hand who has never heard of Scandinavian style in design! Nobody? I imagined it, indeed, we are sure that many of you know him very well! The Scandinavian style (oft...