Portici Shelf Shell White
A stage for your memories
Painted steel shelf
Through your living room, like in a painting. Your personal library, your collections displayed in a space that incorporates the color of your walls. Metaphysical.
A shelf that is a wall module, with a painted metal structure, wooden top and internal bookends that define the spaces.
Available in 2 versions: regular suitable as a container module, mini as a decorative element.
Maggiori dettagli
The object is made of painted steel and wood.
The REGULAR version has a maximum width of 101 cm, a depth of 25 cm and a maximum height of 31 cm, the distance between the intermediate spaces is variable, equal to approximately 14 cm in the first space from the left, 31.5 cm in the intermediate compartments , 24 cm the last space on the right (see quoted image); The MINI version has a maximum width of 60 cm, a depth of 18 cm and a maximum height of 18.5 cm, the distance between the intermediate spaces is variable, equal to approximately 8 cm first space from the left, 18.5 cm for the compartments intermediate, 14.5 cm the last space on the right (see quoted image).
The “regular” version weighs approximately 4 kg, the “mini” version approximately 1.5 kg.
The shelf is a unique piece. It must be applied to the wall using two anchors that are supplied in the package. You decide the height at which to hang it, mark the points with a pencil, using a ruler, drill the wall and apply the plugs, screw the shelf onto these, matching the appropriate holes.
We recommend a maximum load of 15 kg for the "regular" version and 10 kg for the "mini" version, it is recommended to load evenly.
Yes, the shelf exists in the "regular" version suitable as a storage module also for books, "mini" as a decorative element.
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the designer
Architetto e designer, Jordi progetta oggetti, spazi, mobili con una prospettiva “pragmatica”. Spinto da funzionalità, semplicità e sostenibilità, il suo processo enfatizza sia i materiali che la ricerca sul prodotto.
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