Call For Ideas Regulations
The promoting company is Hiro Srl Via dell'Artigianato 6/8, 37030 Badia Calavena (VR) VAT number 04470670235 Verona Registry Office, REA VR – 423099
The subject of the Call is the creation of a product project in the Hiro style. For all the technical details see the Project Brief available at the following LINK (for the English version LINK )*
( *available only in the case of a call in progress) .
HIRO is a modern, smart and Italian design brand that, with its products, connects the community of designers and design lovers.
HIRO's mission is to create unique and original metal objects created by designers from all over the world, made in Italy and voted by design lovers. We believe in the power of opinion and we want our products to be free and democratic: for this reason we produce only the favorites of our community, which we ask to express themselves through a vote on our social channels and on the website!
How it works:
- We periodically open Call for Ideas with ever new themes;
- The Call for Ideas are open to everyone: whether you are an emerging or established designer makes no difference. Hiro is an opportunity for everyone;
- The Call for Ideas aim to collect projects for possible production and marketing on the website and on the websites and/or physical stores owned by the company or by partner brands, according to Hiro's times and methods;
- Hiro's Scientific Committee selects only the best projects for innovation, originality, adherence to the brand's style and production feasibility;
- The selected projects could be submitted to the vote of the Hiro design lovers community: they will be able to express their consent and also choose some characteristics of the object before it goes into production. Hiro puts the community at the center: it is the design lovers who choose the next design object.
Projects can be submitted from 20/12/2024 until 31/01/2025 at 11.59 pm (see art. 8 “Participation Mechanics”).
The projects will be submitted to the Scientific Committee for evaluation in the period between 01/02 and 28/02/2025.
( *dates available only in case of ongoing calls) .
The authors of the projects will receive a communication from Hiro with the outcome of the selection within 30 days from the deadline of the Call. The authors of the projects selected for commercialization will receive a proposal and a contract in which the economic conditions and rights of use will be explicitly stated.
Hiro reserves the right to evaluate the possible production and marketing of some worthy projects, even if not selected, at a later time within a maximum of 24 months from the conclusion of the Call. After this period Hiro will delete the projects from its databases.
All designers, aspiring designers or enthusiasts who have reached the age of majority can participate in the Call for Design. It is also possible to participate as a group or design studio, in which case insert in the presentation the name of all the members of the group that created the project, at the time of uploading insert the name of the group or studio or just of a contact person. Multiple projects can be submitted for each Call for Ideas, in which case they must be submitted individually with their respective presentation (maximum 3 projects for each designer/studio). It is hereby acknowledged that participation in the Call, in addition to acceptance of the rules and related privacy, entails acceptance of the publication of the winner's name on the social channels and on the Hiro website. Hiro will publish all the news, information and images on the progress of the Call and the final result on the web page as well as on the social network pages. Participation is free.
The Contest advertising will be strictly compliant with this regulation and conveyed through the website, social networks, Influencers, press, newsletters, social media and in general online and offline. The complete regulation will be available on the website and related subdomains at the link
Event excluded from the rules of prize competitions pursuant to article 6.1 letter a) of Presidential Decree 430/2001. By participating in the Call, Participants unconditionally and fully accept these regulations.
All projects must be uploaded to this LINK .
Projects can be submitted from 20/12/2024 to 31/01/2025 at 11.59 pm ( *available only in case of ongoing call) .
In order for your project presentation to be successful, you need to provide:
- the name of the project;
- a presentation in PDF format with all the images, views, dimensions, materials and any other information that may be necessary (max size 10 MB; name as follows: SURNAME_PRODUCTNAME.pdf)
- a "descriptive" image of the project, i.e. a render/drawing/sketch that provides an overall impression, in jpeg format (max size 3 MB; insert the name and surname of the designer and the name of the project in the image at the bottom right; name it in the following way SURNAME_PRODUCTNAME.jpeg ).
Finally, to start the participation process, it is necessary to indicate all personal data (name, surname, email address, telephone number) and consent to the use of the same for the purposes that are necessary for the regular conduct of the process (please refer to the privacy policy available at this link ).
The projects are sent and archived with secure protocols, we will keep them for a maximum of 24 months from the closure of the Call for Design, after which they will be deleted from our archives. Hiro reserves the right to use the projects, after communicating with the designer or design studio, for the production of objects within the established times and methods. Hiro undertakes not to share or distribute your projects with third parties. The projects remain your property in any case and you can freely use your projects.
Participation in this call and/or any selection does not in any way bind Hiro to production and/or marketing and consequently to the provision of a contract.
If the technical and commercial evaluations are successful, you will receive an email to that effect. Once the project has been uploaded, the company may make some proposals for variations or modifications if it deems them necessary for its general commercial or technical plans. You will be informed of these proposed modifications by email and you will have the right to refuse any adaptation of the project. In the event of your refusal, the company will not use the project and the parties will be deemed to be released from any obligation, declaring from now that they will have no claims against each other and any title as a consequence of the refusal.
In the event that the technical and commercial evaluations are successful, you will receive the general contract conditions by email. The implementation of the project will remain subject to acceptance of the conditions that will be established in the contract itself. The company's proposal may be for a project fee or a usage fee, and will in any case be communicated once the finalist project has been defined.
The Participant guarantees that the project provided is original and exclusive and that in its creation he/she has not used material covered by copyright, indemnifying Hiro from any liability in this regard, including from any claims asserted by third parties.
The projects created will be submitted to the company's internal scientific committee that defines between 2 and 5 finalist projects. The evaluation team is composed of members of the Hiro team, the founder and administrator Manuele Perlati, creatives and art directors. The Scientific Committee meets to evaluate the projects and select those to submit to the Hiro community and all design lovers. The evaluation criteria are:
- uniqueness and originality of the project presented;
- adherence and coherence with the Hiro style;
- production feasibility.
The finalist projects are also submitted to the approval of the People's Jury, who can express their vote sometimes through a form with data entry, other times with a comment under a social content. This approval is not binding for the final decision, which always belongs to the Scientific Committee.
The prize consists of the advertising of your project on the web and on social networks by Hiro and the possibility of formalizing a working collaboration with Hiro.
Any changes or additions that Hiro will need to make to this regulation will be brought to the attention of the public with an appropriate information notice or with any other methods that Hiro reserves the right to decide.
In compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, as Data Controller of Personal Data, Hiro srl hereby provides the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of processing of personal data, the nature of the same and their provision.
- Purpose of the processing
The data will be processed for the following purposes:
Purposes related to the Call. The legal basis that makes the aforementioned processing legitimate is the consent provided freely.
- Treatment methods
The processing will be carried out using electronic and paper-based tools by persons specifically appointed to do so, in order to guarantee maximum security and confidentiality of the data.
- Scope of communication and dissemination
Your data, subject to processing, will be and/or may subsequently be communicated:
- to Data Processors possibly appointed to carry out activities related to the Call, accounting, fiscal and administrative management; the provision of cloud services used by the Data Controller for the storage of documents in electronic format.
- to external collaborators who have been entrusted with the execution of all or part of the processing in question;
- to public bodies in compliance with legal obligations;
Any further communication or dissemination will only occur with explicit consent.
- Duration of treatment
The Personal Data provided by the interested party will be processed for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the Call and therefore for the entire duration of the same. After this period, in compliance with the principle of necessity, the personal data collected will be processed and stored only for the period strictly necessary to fulfill the legal obligations in fiscal and tax and civil matters, also for the protection of the right of credit arising from the contract based on the rules on prescription.
- Rights of the interested party
As an interested party, you have the right to exercise the rights provided for in articles 7, 15-22 of the European Regulation 679/2016. In particular, by contacting the Data Controller via email, you can request access to your personal data, receive the personal data provided to the Data Controller and transmit them to another Data Controller without impediments (so-called portability), obtain their updating, limitation of processing, rectification of data and cancellation of data processed in breach of current legislation. The right to object to processing for the same purposes can also be exercised by following the procedure indicated in each email received via the service provider. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor as the Supervisory Authority for the Protection of Personal Data.
Hiro excludes any liability to the Participant for any loss of income, loss of profit, loss of goodwill, loss of data, loss of opportunity and any indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred or suffered by the Participant in connection with his/her participation in the Call.
If any provision of these Rules is held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired in any way. These Terms are governed entirely by Italian law. Any dispute that may arise in relation to the validity, interpretation, execution will be under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of the judge of the place of residence of the Participant (so-called consumer court).