Furnishing a terrace, transforming it into a livable oasis is the first intention of all the lucky owners of these domestic spaces suspended over the world .
The reality is that we find ourselves in front of an empty space , to be filled with outdoor furniture, plants and accessories. Where do you start?
To understand how to furnish the terrace and, therefore, where to place the outdoor furniture, theflower boxes , the flower beds, the dining area, the relaxation area and all the rest , you need a project .
Here are three golden rules for designing a terrace from scratch.
1. Identify the shaded areas of the terrace
Understanding the exposure is useful for choosing the vegetation for the house terrace wisely. Follow the cardinal points. Where does your terrace face?
Some botanical species are more suitable for southern exposure, others prefer a more discreet northern exposure. The exposure also determines the distribution of light and shadow on the terrace.
Consider buildings or trees that are in the vicinity of the terrace. The shadow produced on your outdoor space will be more or less prolonged over time, depending on the exposure.
Look around and take digital notes. Take photos of the terrace at different times of the day , so you can understand which areas receive the most hours of light and which are the most shaded areas.
This information is very helpful in making decisions about the arrangement of outdoor furniture .
It is advisable to take advantage of the cooler areas to place an outdoor table surrounded by chairs or stools .
The same goes for the relaxation area.
In any case, the shade factor can be increased through the placement of plants, trees, covers and gazebos. So don't worry if your terrace has constant sun exposure throughout the day.
2. Terrace furniture: the importance of the focal point
Choosing the focal point is a good practice that unites interior design and the furnishing of outdoor spaces. The focal point is an eye-catching element or set of elements that pleasantly captures the attention of the beholder.
It can correspond to the panorama if this is worthy: if you have an uncontaminated countryside around you, a glimpse of the sea, a romantic and variegated set of roofs, a monument, a mountain in the distance or any other fascinating view, that is your focal point.
This means that the layout of the terrace must ensure that you can enjoy the beauty of the landscape while sitting comfortably or carrying out the main activities you have chosen to allocate to the terrace (taking care of a small vegetable garden, doing yoga, having lunch with friends…) .
The focal point of your terrace can also be a scenographic element that distinguishes your outdoor space from all the others: a swimming pool, a particular potted tree, well-kept vegetation or an architectural element.
Also in this case it is good to orient the outdoor furniture towards the point of interest.
3. Outdoor planters and pot holders to divide spaces and create privacy
The subdivision of the spaces on the terrace depends on their function.
Each zone is dedicated to a series of actions . For example, there may be an intimate place surrounded by plant canopies, all dedicated to cultivation; an open and festive place used as a convivial area; a secluded and sheltered place to rest during the summer evenings.
Each environment can be linked to another or clearly distinct. The terrace thus becomes an experiential itinerary.
To separate rooms, plants are the best barriers. Their presence helps to create that heavenly atmosphere that we seek in any well-furnished outdoor space .
The low and long planters are ideal for surrounding the balustrade or for delimiting the living area.
To maintain privacy from any adjacent terraces, a good solution is represented by vertical greenery .
If the height of the parapet is not enough, you can think of a mesh panel for vines, on which to hang pots with hooks to screen the view.
Around the outdoor table set , to frame the space, you can arrange tall vase holders , or an outdoor container table , which can contain a plant or gardening accessories.
The tall planters let the light pass through the empty space between the feet, but guarantee the right intimacy for the diners, when the plants they contain grow in height.
Plants can act as a frame for the passage that divides the interior of the house from the terrace. These are connected environments , therefore it is advisable to create a common thread between the outdoors and the indoors .
With a few simple precautions, the rightoutdoor furniture and a good dose of botanical gym, you will be able to furnish the terrace of your dreams.