Modern entrance: the best solutions for every configuration

Ingresso moderno: le migliori soluzioni per ogni configurazione

Let's now see the ideal solutions for choosing furniture for your modern entrance, depending on the configuration of the space.

Frida shelf for entrance

Furnish a dark entrance

Natural light is an element capable of enhancing any space, but when it is not there, some stratagems can be implemented to remedy this lack.

- Furnish lightly . Choose furniture that can contain, without weighing down the entrance too much.

- Play with colors , even dark ones .

Light colors are useful for reflecting natural light and making rooms seem larger, so if this is your intention, choose light and bright colors for both the walls and the furniture (for example: beige luxor , very elegant and white shell , an evergreen that is easy to match).

For a blind space, daring with dark colors can also be a great idea. On the walls, you can create a box effect by painting both the walls and ceiling of the entryway a single dark color. This chromatic play will give the entrance a very modern and original look. You can maintain the tone on tone with the furnishings.

Among the most fascinating dark colors for entrance furniture there are certainly midnight blue and steel green , both deep, sophisticated and full of charm.

- Combine more than one mirror to create a play of reflections that maximizes brightness and creates interesting light scenarios.

- Layer artificial light . Choose the lighting elements carefully. In addition to the general light point, don't forget to add a table lamp , which, in addition to being useful, is also very scenographic and decorative (for example placed on a console or on a small shelf ).

Furnish entrance with Levante

Open space entrance: how to enhance it?

Modern homes usually have an entrance that opens directly onto the open space. Therefore, it is not always easy to understand where and how to create an entrance area.
Here are some suggestions.

- Define the portion of space to dedicate to the entrance
It can be a small wall, or part of a larger wall. Clarify your ideas before shopping: how much space of the open space do you want the area dedicated to the entrance to occupy?
- Entrance booth furniture
If you can't use any walls, you can always create a division between the entrance and living room thanks to a mobile divider. The ideal is a high and visually light shelf , capable of providing very useful support points near the entrance, without shielding the light.
- A console if the wall is narrow
Do you have a small wall available? A console that is taller than wide is right for you.
It will provide you with an essential support surface on which to place a pocket tray and a lamp and, if equipped with hooks like our College , it will also be very useful for attaching accessories such as bags, hats, umbrellas and shoppers.
Complete the look with an inevitable wall mirror, to be placed above the console.
- A bench if you have a long wall
When the available wall is quite long, you can make way for a practical designer bench on which to sit and put on your shoes before going out. To hang coats and bags, you can place a spectacular floor coat hanger alongside the bench.

Read also: How to furnish a modern entrance with an indoor bench .

Galea coat hanger for entrance

Furnish a small and narrow entrance

To transform a small and narrow entrance into a functional and welcoming environment, you must make the most of the spaces without neglecting aesthetics .

Here are 4 useful tips for furnishing a small and narrow entrance in a modern style.

- Less is more . It is the basic rule for furnishing a narrow space. Few furnishings and accessories, but carefully chosen, so as to obtain an elegant and refined result.

- Use practical and shallow furnishings . The functionality of the furnishings is fundamental when space is limited. Every detail can make the difference (a hook placed in the right place, containers integrated into the shelf) in a narrow entrance furniture.

If you are looking for a narrow hall furniture, you will appreciate the versatile Frida shelf (only 17 cm deep) and the College console with hooks (depth: 20 cm).

- Use vertical space . If there is little space in width, make the most of the walls by inserting shelves and wall hangers. This way, you won't clutter the space at eye level and, in addition to being comfortable, the entrance will also appear larger.

Photo of entrance and living room

Entrance with facing wall

If when you open the door, you immediately find a wall in front of you, then that is the wall that needs to become wonderful. It will be your business card, the first meeting point between those who enter and the house. You can indulge yourself and give your best, to make your first impression unforgettable.

- Dare with a color or wallpaper on the wall. The captivating result you get when you overcome the fear of daring is the best reward.

- A beautiful entrance furniture is essential : it will be the center of attention if the door opens directly into your view. In addition to choosing it carefully, give it value with styling: use a few objects of different materials and heights and group them three by three on the shelf.

- Everything in order with colored containers . No mess is allowed on the peak wall. Organizers are a real lifesaver in this regard: they allow you to keep keys, glasses and all those objects available at the entrance.

Console for college entrance

Entrance directly into the living room: useful solutions when there is no space

In your house do you enter directly into the living room, and you don't have a space to dedicate to the entrance?
Here's where to put coats and accessories.

- Coat hanger , only if it is beautiful (like Milo, for example). The floor lamp can be really useful in such a situation. Placed in a corner, it will be enough to store coats. One thing is certain: it must be chosen with care, so as to become a real added value to the room, bringing style and color to the living room. Alternatively, a full-height custom-made wardrobe, to be camouflaged into the wall, may be useful.

- If you don't have space for an entryway cabinet, use the TV cabinet to hold keys and other small items . In homes that open directly into the living room, the TV cabinet often rests on the same wall as the door. Is this the case for you too? Focus on a large and deep TV cabinet . You will also need it to place your keys and to contain, in a dedicated compartment, all those small objects you need at the entrance.

Milo entrance coat hanger

How to choose furniture for the modern entrance

In summary, here are the guidelines to follow to furnish your modern entrance.

  • Avoid common mistakes : Maintain a balance between space, personality and stylistic coherence.
  • Mirrors and colors : expand the space with mirrors and create harmony with a well-studied color palette.
  • Useful and decorative elements : mix functionality (clocks, organizers, coat hooks and umbrella stands) and decoration (art and plants).
  • Optimize space : Use light, shallow furniture for narrow spaces and take advantage of vertical space.
  • The key words for each configuration : notes of color for dark entrances, definition of space for entrances that open onto the open space, multifunctionality for entrances that overlook the living room or corridor.


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