

Event excluded from the regulation of prize competitions pursuant to article 6.1 letter a) of Presidential Decree 430/2001


The promoting company is Hiro Srl Via dell'Artigianato 6/8, 37030 Badia Calavena (VR) VAT number 04470670235 Verona registry office, REA VR – 423099


The object of the Contest is the creation of a photograph dedicated to the setting up of homes with products marketed by Hiro Srl,


The Contest runs from 12/03/2024 at 11.59 pm until 21 April 2024 at 11.59 pm.


Creatives from all over Italy can participate in the Contest, including, but not limited to, illustrators, designers, visual artists, whether professionals, non-professionals or students, as long as they are adults at the time of registration for the Contest, for brevity, hereinafter referred to as Participant.

It is hereby acknowledged that participation in the Contest, in addition to acceptance of the regulations and related privacy, entails acceptance of the publication of the winner's name on the social channels and on the website of the Promoting Company. The Promoting Company will publish all the news, information and images on the progress of the Contest and the final result on the web page as well as on the social network pages. Participation is free.


The entire Italian territory.


The advertising of the Contest will be strictly compliant with these regulations and conveyed through the website, social networks, Influencers, press, newsletters, social media and in general online and offline. The complete regulations will be available on the website and related subdomains at the link .


Event excluded from the regulation of prize competitions pursuant to article 6.1 letter a) of Presidential Decree 430/2001. By participating in the Contest, Participants unconditionally and fully accept these regulations.


Through the Contest the Participant will be able to demonstrate his talent in showing an original and engaging photographic composition relating to home furnishings.

Participation in "The Event" requires the "Participants" to submit a photo on their personal profile on the social network "Instagram".

To finalize your application, the following steps are required:

The Participant clicks on the link to the registration landing page shown in the social channels (url: ) and enter the required mandatory data (name, surname, date of birth, e-mail) where you will have to upload the photograph and flag the mandatory consent to the regulation and related privacy. After registration the Participant must:

to. follow the Instagram page @Hiro_Your_Design ( by clicking “follow” on the appropriate profile button;

b. have a public profile (necessary to be able to re-share contents);

c. publish a photo on your feed according to the characteristics specified below:

  • in the photo there must be at least 1 Hiro product presented in a domestic context;
  • the photo must be sharp, with correct focus and sufficient resolution to be viewed on smartphones and tablets;
  • no faces of people must appear in the photo;
  • no iconic objects from competing companies (manufacturers of furniture, accessories and household items) or objects with recognizable brands must appear in the image;
  • tag the profile of “The Company” in the post, i.e. @hiro_your_design;
  • insert the hashtags #HiroDesign #HiroMDW24 #HiroDesignInVista in the text of the post;

d. re-share the post on your stories;

Failure to comply with the specifications will make participation in the Contest impossible.


The Participant guarantees that the contents provided are original and exclusive and that in their creation they have not used material covered by copyright or third parties or minors and/or other products of third party brands or logos of third party brands, indemnifying the Promoting Company from any liability in this regard including from any claims made by third parties. The intellectual property of the creations created by the Participant is transferred to the Promoting Company definitively and exclusively for the purposes of this contest and promotional purposes. The Winner authorizes the Promoting Company and its third parties involved to acquire, use, publish and disseminate the photographs produced, without limits in terms of method (web, website, social network, brochure), time and space, in Italy and abroad, with any and wider right of adaptation, modification or assembly that may be necessary and appropriate. The photographic material will be used for promotional purposes. The Promoting Company acquires all deriving and consequent rights on the photographic material thus created, such as: the right of publication; right of reproduction in any way or form; right of transcription, editing, adaptation, processing and reduction; right of communication and distribution to the public including the rights of projection, transmission and diffusion, even in a summary and/or reduced version, by any technical means, right to keep a copy of the materials, even in electronic form and on any technological support with the most extensive economic exploitation that they are entitled to by law. The Winner declares that he has nothing to claim against the Promoter Company for damage to his name or images that may arise from prejudicial use of the same by third parties. The right to use the above photographs is to be understood as free of charge with express waiver of any financial claim in this regard.


The Jury will meet on 04/23/2024, 11.00 am remotely or in person and will be made up of n. 3 jurors including the CEO of Hiro Srl, the art director and an interior designer and any substitutes in the event of unavailability of the juror indicated in the first instance. The Jurors are authoritative experts in the design sector.

The entries will be evaluated according to the following criteria with scores ranging from 0 to 10 for each criterion.


    The score obtained is equal to the sum of the scores obtained in each individual criterion awarded by each Jury. A ranking will be created with the assignment of first place, second place and third place. The jury reserves the right to designate further honorable mentions to further Participants.

    ART. 11 PRIZE

    The prize consists in the recognition of 1 (one) voucher to the 3 winners that can be spent on the promoting company's website for a period of 6 months of the following value:

    For the first place, a voucher for a purchase worth 500 euros

    For the second place, a voucher for a purchase worth 200 euros

    For third place, a voucher for a purchase worth 100 euros

    The Participant acknowledges and accepts that the Voucher cannot be partially used and in the event of choosing a product whose value does not reach the threshold of the voucher held, it cannot be refunded or used for another purchase.


    The winner declared by the Jury will be notified via a message on their Instagram account together with the release or by email. In case of acceptance of the prize, the winner must complete and sign the prize acceptance/refusal release in all its parts and attach a copy of the valid identity document. If the winner expressly refuses the prize, it will return to the free availability of the Promoting Company which may unquestionably decide not to award it.

    It is specified that:

    - The win cannot be confirmed if the data on the identity document sent by the winner does not correspond to the data entered during registration;

    - The win cannot be confirmed if the winner is a minor;

    - In the event that the winner does not follow the instructions in the times and manner received, the Contest prize will be considered, upon expiry of the Contest, not validated.


    Any modification or addition that must be made to this regulation by the Promoting Company will be brought to the attention of consumers with an adequate informative communication or with any further methods that the Promoting Company reserves the right to decide. The Promoting Company declares, in any case, that any changes will not lead to an infringement of the rights acquired by the Participants in the prize operation.


    In compliance with the provisions of EU Regulation no. 679/2016, as Data Controller of Personal Data, Hiro srl hereby provides the necessary information regarding the purposes and methods of processing personal data, the nature of the same and their provision.

    1. Purpose of the processing

    The data will be processed for the following purposes:

    Purposes related to the Promotion. The legal basis that makes the aforementioned processing legitimate is the consent freely given by you.

    Marketing purposes. The legal basis that makes the aforementioned processing legitimate is the consent freely given by you.

    2. Treatment methods

    The processing will be carried out with electronic and paper tools by persons specifically appointed for this purpose, in order to guarantee maximum security and confidentiality of the data themselves.

    3. Scope of communication and dissemination

    Your data, subject to processing, will and/or may subsequently be communicated:

    - to the Data Controllers appointed for carrying out activities relating to the Contest, accounting, fiscal and administrative management in relation to the Contest; the provision of cloud services used by the Data Controller for the storage of documents in electronic format.

    - to external collaborators who have been entrusted with the execution of all or part of the processing in question;

    - to public entities in fulfillment of legal obligations;

    Any further and possible communication or dissemination will take place only with explicit consent.

    4. Duration of treatment

    The Personal Data provided by the interested party will be processed for the time strictly necessary to fulfill the obligations arising from the Contest and therefore for the entire duration of the same. After this period, in compliance with the principle of necessity, the personal data collected will be processed and stored only for the period strictly necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations in fiscal and civil matters also for the protection of the right to credit deriving from the contract based on the statute of limitations.

    5. Rights of the interested party

    As an interested party you have the right to exercise the faculties provided for in the articles. 7, 15-22 of the European Reg. 679/2016. In particular, by contacting the Data Controller at the email address ..... you can request access to the personal data concerning you, receive the personal data provided to the Data Controller and transmit them to another Data Controller without impediments (so-called portability), obtain updating, limitation of processing, rectification of data and cancellation of data processed in breach of current legislation, the right to object to processing for the same purposes can also be exercised by following the procedure indicated in each email received via the service provider. You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Privacy Guarantor as supervisory authority regarding the protection of personal data.


    To the extent permitted by law, the Promoter Company, its employees, agents or distributors will under no circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate Participants and Winners or assume any liability for any loss or damage arising as a result of participation in the Promotion. The Promoting Company excludes all liability to the Participant for any loss of income, loss of profit, loss of goodwill, loss of data, loss of opportunity and any indirect or consequential loss or damage incurred or suffered by the Participant in connection with his participation in the Promotion.

    The Promoting Company will not be responsible for:

    late, lost, delayed, damaged, incorrect, incomplete, illegible or incomprehensible entries; telephone, electronic, hardware or software program, network, Internet or computer malfunctions, failures, delays or difficulties;

    transmission errors;

    Rewards notification deliveries attempted but not received;

    any loss suffered by anyone who enters or attempts to enter and/or participate in the Promotion, whether the entry is lost, unsubmitted, incorrectly processed or not won.

    The Promoter is not responsible if you are unable to participate in the Promotion for any reason.


    If any provision of these Rules shall be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall in no way be affected or impaired thereby. These Terms are entirely governed by Italian law. Any dispute that may arise in relation to the validity, interpretation, execution will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the court of the place of residence of the Participant (so-called consumer court).


    The original regulations are kept at the registered office of the promoting company for the entire duration of the event and for the 12 months following its conclusion.