Thanks for replying to our email.
Thank you for still being part of a community of design lovers that helps us choose the best projects from designers. That spurs us on and helps us to improve our products every day. Which is a living part of Hiro and, often, it seems to hear you all in the workshop, imagining what we are building together.


Here's some advice, so you don't miss out on our voting emails or those dedicated to the best offers: move our email to the main folder.
You can also save our address in your address book. This will prevent your mail program from putting us in the promotions or spam folder, making you miss our most interesting communications. If you use Gmail, just drag us to the main folder, otherwise you can save us in your address book and put a special label to find us immediately.
We will talk soon!
Manuele Perlati (founder of Hiro)