How a dream home office improves smart working

Come un home office da sogno migliora lo smart working

Recent years have taught us that, for most of us, going to the office isn't essential.

Hence, out of necessity, we have begun to populate every usable domestic surface with desk accessories, to create an office in the home , often improvised and with an improbable, albeit functional, design.

2020 was a convict. The home office has established itself on a permanent basis in many homes , as a solution to one of the most frequent problems of our era.

We are hyper-connected and our lives run fast, so much so that we happen to detach ourselves from the reality of our domestic spaces.

Smart working is the convenient, innovative and sustainable solution that combines home (and family) and work duties.

Now that adapting is no longer an urgency, the time has come to create a comfortable, practical and harmonious home office . It's time to think about study furniture and choose desk accessories that make your work productive and enjoyable, to have a dream home office that you can enthusiastically catapult into every day .


If you've ever wondered how to get a studio at home, know that it's not mandatory to choose a permanent place.
One of the advantages of smart working is that the office is where you are , with your pc.

This feature is particularly appreciated by those who love to travel or those who do not have an extra room in which to create a home office .

What you need is a nomadic studio that follows you everywhere . A study that is not associated with a physical place, but composed of a set of desk accessories that represent you. Even a studio that "doesn't exist" can be beautiful and similar to you.

All it takes is having the right desk accessories to charge yourself with positive vibes. Here's how:

  • choose a fulfilling color or color palette that can put you in a good mood;
  • select design objects for the office , well-finished and practical, which give that sophisticated and cool touch to your study corner.

    Setting up the workspace becomes a ritual . Arranging a pen holder , clock , document holder and organizer on the top, so that everything is functional and perfectly organized, is the best way to start a profitable day's work.

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    Carrying the home office around the house is easy.

    There are two effective methods that are right for you.

    The first is to use a tray (yes, like the kitchen ones) to move essential objects such as a mouse, diary, pens and earphones from one place to another. You can stack the equipped tray on the PC and it will also be very comfortable going up and down the stairs.

    The second is to store all the accessories for working from home on a trolley with wheels . This portable shelf is also very convenient as an addition to your desk/work surface.

    It can be used to keep more bulky or secondary items available such as folders, paper bins , device chargers, books and so on. Objects that. on your desk, they would take up valuable space and create chaos.

    In this way, even if the place where you work is not always the same, you maintain fixed and reassuring points of reference . The careful organization of the study corner increases your well-being and makes you work better.


    How do you furnish a home studio? There are those who say it should be free from clutter and open, there are those who want it covered with prints and frames and loaded with books. The truth is that you make the rules , choosing the mood that best suits you .

    The important thing, when choosing how to set up a home office, is that the layout favors concentration , that allows ideas to flow freely and that it contains elements that are enchanting in your eyes .

    Select each study accessory with care. Even secondary objects have the right to be extraordinary in the place where you spend so many hours, between commitment, problem solving and a pinch of tiredness. You deserve it, don't you? A dream environment can only make you feel good, even on difficult days.

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    In general, scientific studies show that cleanliness and order in the office promote concentration .
    A good organization of the study puts us in the state of mind of consequentiality. It helps us identify priorities and line up the tasks to be performed during the day.

    The order also hides visual distractions . That out of place object you see from the desk corresponds to an open parenthesis in your head ( "Then I'll put it back" ) that doesn't allow you to focus, as you should.

    Feng Shui suggests, for study furniture, linear structures capable of passing light and light colors.

    Natural light, as we know, works wonders in terms of productivity . So, if you don't know where to put the desk , know that a sun-kissed position would greatly benefit the quality of your work.


    Returning to Feng Shui, the Chinese art of harmony claims that the color green has the power to act as a sponge with negative energy .

    Let's face it, at work, not every day is good and, every now and then, it happens that a bit of a bad mood circulates. Choosing green accessories and furnishing accessories would therefore be useful for cleaning up that wave of negativity, transforming it into something good to surround yourself with.

    It's kind of what plants do with photosynthesis. By the way, plants are a must to include in your office decor .

    The first reason why you should keep indoor plants in the office is that these miraculous green friends purify the air , absorbing most of the harmful volatile substances.

    Another reason is that they ideally connect us with the external environment , mitigating the hours spent indoors.

    design desk document holder Charta by Hiro


    It seems a contradiction, yet inserting a relaxation corner in the study area is a winning move.

    A couple of easy chairs, acoffee table , a lamp and a magazine rack . A few furnishings are enough to create a welcoming area in which to spend work breaks between a coffee and a look at the newspaper.

    An effective break leaves no room for devices and thoughts concerning work . Only by truly detaching, even if only for five minutes, can energy and concentration be recovered.

    Not just for breaks: a reading corner in the study area also serves to
    diversify the work area . Smart working gives us the opportunity to work even on a small armchair, with the PC on our legs and an herbal tea on the coffee table. Let's take advantage of it from time to time.

    Have you felt like rethinking or sprucing up your home office? Now you know that you are the focus , with your needs, your favorite objects, your taste and your way of feeling productive.

    September has arrived, do you have all the accessories to create your dream home office?
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